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League Time Home HW D AW HWR DR AWR Return Away Compare
CRC D1 Herediano 2.45 3.20 2.65 37.21%28.44%34.35%91.02% Alajuelense View(5)
2.453.122.70 37.10%29.15%33.75%91.04%
SAPL D1 AmaZulu 5.98 3.83 1.49 15.19%23.71%61.11%90.77% Mamelodi Sundowns View(14)
6.023.761.51 15.19%24.32%60.49%91.39%
SAPL D1 Orlando Pirates 1.31 4.44 10.15 70.29%20.66%9.04%91.75% Marumo Gallants FC View(32)
1.294.5710.63 71.25%20.11%8.64%91.87%
EGY D1 ZED FC 2.08 2.97 3.57 43.84%30.66%25.51%91.17% Enppi View(32)
2.112.923.59 43.27%31.28%25.45%91.33%
EGY D1 Talaea EI-Gaish 3.58 3.10 2.02 25.46%29.41%45.12%91.13% Zamalek View(28) 22.06%28.34%49.60%91.16%
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