Bolivia  VS  Peru

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Cup Standings

Rank Team Matches Win Draw Loss Get Miss Pts
1 Argentina 4 4 0 0 7 0 12
2 Uruguay 4 2 1 1 8 5 7
3 Brazil 4 2 1 1 7 4 7
4 Venezuela 4 2 1 1 5 2 7
5 Ecuador 4 2 1 1 4 3 7
6 Colombia 4 1 3 0 3 2 6
7 Paraguay 4 1 1 2 1 2 4
8 Chile 4 1 1 2 3 6 4
9 Peru 4 0 1 3 0 5 1
10 Bolivia 4 0 0 4 2 11 0


League/Cup Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
INT FRL Peru 1-0 0-0 Bolivia 1.42 4.4 6.7 0.780.5/11.04WWU
WCPSA Peru 3-0 3-0 Bolivia 1.4 5 7.3 0.840.5/10.98WWO
WCPSA Bolivia 1-0 0-0 Peru2.51 3.05 3.05 0.870/-0.50.95WWU
AMEC Bolivia 1-3 1-1 Peru8.5 4.5 1.42 1.00-0.50.88LLO
WCPSA Peru 2-1 0-0 Bolivia 1.29 5.6 10 1.031/1.50.85WLO
WCPSA Bolivia 0-3 1-0 Peru2.21 3.2 3.45 0.940/0.50.94LWO
AMEC Bolivia 1-3 0-2 Peru5 3.25 1.85 1.020/-0.50.88LLO
WCPSA Peru 1-1 1-1 Bolivia 1.8 2.8 5.9 1.000.5/10.88DLU
WCPSA Bolivia 1-1 0-1 Peru1.86 3.4 4.1 0.970.50.91DLU
INT CF Bolivia 0-0 0-0 Peru1.8 3.55 4.6 0.890/0.50.99DLU

Score In The Past

League Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
WCPSA Paraguay1-00-0 Bolivia 1.32 5.3 9.4 1.021.5/20.80L WU
WCPSA Bolivia1-20-1 Ecuador 5.4 3.55 1.72 0.92-0.50.90L LO
WCPSA 1Bolivia0-30-2 Argentina 5.4 3.65 1.68 0.98-10.90L LO
WCPSA Brazil5-11-0 Bolivia 1.03 12 21 0.803/3.51.02L LO
INT FRL Bolivia1-20-1 Panama 1.58 3.6 4.75 0.9310.89L LO
INT FRL Bolivia0-00-0 Chile 5.1 3.65 1.72 1.000/-0.50.82D WU
INT FRL Ecuador(N)1-00-0 Bolivia 1.31 5.2 10.5 0.831/1.50.99L WU
INT FRL Saudi Arabia1-21-1 Bolivia 1.46 3.95 5.4 0.800.5/11.02W WO
INT FRL Uzbekistan(N)1-01-0 Bolivia1 2.23 3.1 3.55 1.020/0.50.80L LU
INT FRL Peru1-00-0 Bolivia 1.42 4.4 6.7 0.780.5/11.04L LU
INT FRL Bolivia(N)0-20-2 Senegal 9.3 5.3 1.21 0.87-1/-1.50.95L LU
WCPSA Bolivia0-40-2 Brazil 6.2 4.25 1.52 0.82-1/-1.51.06L LO
WCPSA Colombia3-01-0 Bolivia 1.13 9 17.5 1.0120.87L LO
WCPSA Bolivia2-31-1 Chile 2.6 3.25 2.79 0.9400.94L LO
WCPSA Venezuela4-12-1 Bolivia1 1.72 3.9 4.65 0.980.50.84L LO
INT FRL Bolivia5-02-0 Trinidad and Tobago 1.09 10.5 26 1.0220.80W WO
WCPSA 1Bolivia3-02-0 Uruguay 2.8 3.15 2.66 0.85-0.50.97W WO
WCPSA Peru3-03-0 Bolivia 1.4 5 7.3 0.840.5/10.98L LO
INT FRL El Salvador(N)0-10-0 Bolivia 2.4 2.97 2.89 0.900/0.50.98W WU
WCPSA Bolivia4-01-0 Paraguay 2.48 3.05 3.1 1.0100.81W WO
Last 20 matches, Win rate:25.0% Odds win rate:40.0% Over 2.5 rate:65.0% Odd rate:75.0%
League Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
WCPSA Peru0-20-2 Argentina 9.8 4.6 1.36 1.00-10.82L LU
WCPSA Chile2-00-0 Peru 1.67 3.55 5.9 0.920.50.90L LU
WCPSA Peru0-10-0 Brazil 13.5 5.8 1.24 1.03-1/-1.50.85L WU
WCPSA Paraguay0-00-0 Peru1 1.83 3.3 4.95 0.920/0.50.90D WU
KIR Cup Japan4-12-0 Peru 1.6 3.65 6.5 0.820.5/11.06L LO
INT FRL South Korea0-10-1 Peru 2.04 3.15 4.1 0.910.50.91W WU
INT FRL 1Morocco(N)0-00-0 Peru1 2.05 3.1 4.1 WU
INT FRL Germany2-02-0 Peru 1.31 5.4 9.6 0.901.50.98L LU
INT FRL Peru1-00-0 Bolivia 1.42 4.4 6.7 0.780.5/11.04W WU
INT FRL 1Peru1-00-0 Paraguay1 2.45 3 3.2 WU
INT FRL Peru(N)4-12-1 El Salvador 1.36 4.95 8.9 0.881/1.50.94W WO
INT FRL Mexico(N)1-00-0 Peru 1.96 3.15 4.5 0.930/0.50.89L LU
WCP-PO Australia(N)0-00-0 Peru 4.35 3.05 2.02 1.07-0.50.81D LU
INT FRL Peru1-00-0 New Zealand 1.4 4.4 9 0.8311.05W DU
WCPSA Peru2-02-0 Paraguay 1.57 3.95 6.2 0.920.5/10.96W WU
WCPSA Uruguay1-01-0 Peru 1.51 3.9 7.5 0.810.5/11.07L LU
WCPSA Peru1-10-1 Ecuador 2.47 2.89 3.35 0.980/0.50.90D LU
WCPSA Colombia0-10-0 Peru 1.58 3.6 7 1.0310.79W WU
INT FRL Peru3-00-0 Jamaica 1.57 3.85 6.5 0.981/1.50.90W WO
INT FRL Peru1-11-0 Panama 1.46 4.25 7.7 0.8211.06D LU
Last 20 matches, Win rate:40.0% Odds win rate:52.6% Over 2.5 rate:15.0% Odd rate:55.0%

Handicap Odds Statistics

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Fixture (3 Matches)

League/Cup Date Type VS Near
WCPSA A Uruguay 5 Days
WCPSA H Venezuela 293 Days
WCPSA A Chile 298 Days
League/Cup Date Type VS Near
WCPSA H Venezuela 6 Days
WCPSA H Colombia 293 Days
WCPSA A Ecuador 298 Days

Last Match Lineup

Bolivia Peru
Lineup 23  Guillermo Viscarra
3  Daniel Medina
5  Hector Cuellar
4  Luis Haquin
21  Jose Manuel Sagredo Chavez
22  Carlos Roca
20  Henry Vaca
11  Danny Brayhan Bejarano Yanez
14  Moises Villarroel Angulo
8  Rodrigo Luis Ramallo Cornejo
9  Marcelo Moreno Martins
Lineup 1  Pedro Gallese
5  Nilson Evair Loyola Morales
2  Luis Alfonso Abram Ugarelli
4  Anderson Santamaria
17  Luis Advincula Castrillon
16  Franco Zanelatto Tellez
19  Yoshimar Yotun
14  Wilder Jose Cartagena Mendoza
7  Andy Jorman Polo Andrade
18  Andre Carrillo
9  Jose Paolo Guerrero Gonzales
Backup 18  Victor Abrego
16  Boris Cespedes
19  Lucas Chavez
7  Jeyson Chura
13  Jaume Albert Cuellar Mendoza
6  Leonel Justiniano Arauz
1  Carlos Emilio Lampe Porras
2  Jairo Quinteros
17  Marcelo Suarez
12  Braulio Uraezana
10  Ramiro Vaca
15  Gabriel Villamil
Backup 23  Pedro Jesus Aquino Sanchez
12  Carlos Enrique Caceda Ollaguez
22  Alexander Martin Callens Asin
15  Jairo Concha
3  Aldo Sebastian Corzo
20  Joao Grimaldo
11  Santiago Ormeno
10  Sergio Fernando Pena Flores
8  Bryan Reyna
21  Renato Solis
13  Renato Fabrizio Tapia Cortijo
6  Miguel Angel Trauco Saavedra

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