Peru  VS  Chile

Match Time:
Weather:Partly cloudy,  17℃~18℃ ℃ , Count Down: Minutes


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Cup Standings



League/Cup Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
AMEC Peru 0-0 0-0 Chile4.1 3.1 2.05 0.97-0.50.85DWU
WCPSA Chile 2-0 0-0 Peru 1.67 3.55 5.9 0.920.50.90WWU
WCPSA Peru 2-0 1-0 Chile2.7 2.95 2.9 1.0300.79WWU
WCPSA Chile 2-0 2-0 Peru 1.96 3.4 4.1 1.010.5/10.81WWU
AMEC Chile 0-3 0-2 Peru 1.79 3.45 5.1
INT FRL Peru 3-0 0-0 Chile3.35 3.25 2.25 0.77-0.51.12WWO
WCPSA Chile 2-1 1-0 Peru 1.41 4.95 7.2 0.851.51.03WLO
WCPSA Peru 3-4 2-3 Chile3.35 3.2 2.26 0.950/-0.50.93LLO
AMEC Chile 2-1 1-0 Peru 1.43 4.4 8 1.0410.86WDO
INT FRL Chile 3-0 2-0 Peru 1.43 4.4 8 0.7711.12WWO

Score In The Past

League Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
WCPSA Brazil4-01-0 Peru 1.18 5.8 15.5 0.891.5/20.93L LO
WCPSA Peru1-00-0 Uruguay 4.6 3.1 1.98 0.92-0.50.90W WU
WCPSA Ecuador1-00-0 Peru 1.4 4.25 9.5 1.021/1.50.80L WU
WCPSA Peru1-10-0 Colombia 5.2 3 1.88 0.93-0.50.95D WU
AMEC Argentina(N)2-00-0 Peru 1.56 3.8 6.8 0.911/1.50.91L LU
AMEC 1Peru(N)0-10-0 Canada 3.65 3.05 2.21 1.0700.75L LU
AMEC Peru(N)0-00-0 Chile 4.1 3.1 2.05 0.97-0.50.85D WU
INT FRL El Salvador(N)0-10-1 Peru 8 4.9 1.39 0.94-1.5/-20.88W LU
INT FRL Peru0-00-0 Paraguay 2.11 2.94 4.2 0.7601.06D DU
INT FRL Peru4-12-0 Dominican Republic 1.09 8.4 21 0.9220.90W WO
INT FRL Peru2-02-0 Nicaragua 1.18 6.3 13 0.9220.90W DU
WCPSA Peru1-11-0 Venezuela 2.58 2.93 3.1 0.820.51.00D LU
WCPSA Bolivia2-01-0 Peru 2.28 2.97 3.6 1.080/0.50.80L LU
WCPSA Peru0-20-2 Argentina 9.8 4.6 1.36 1.00-10.82L LU
WCPSA Chile2-00-0 Peru 1.67 3.55 5.9 0.920.50.90L LU
WCPSA Peru0-10-0 Brazil 13.5 5.8 1.24 1.03-1/-1.50.85L WU
WCPSA Paraguay0-00-0 Peru1 1.83 3.3 4.95 0.920/0.50.90D WU
KIR Cup Japan4-12-0 Peru 1.6 3.65 6.5 0.820.5/11.06L LO
INT FRL South Korea0-10-1 Peru 2.04 3.15 4.1 0.910.50.91W WU
INT FRL 1Morocco(N)0-00-0 Peru1 2.05 3.1 4.1 WU
Last 20 matches, Win rate:25.0% Odds win rate:50.0% Over 2.5 rate:15.0% Odd rate:40.0%
League Date Home Score H T Away 1x2 Odds Handicap W/L Odds O/U
WCPSA Colombia4-01-0 Chile 1.35 4.75 10 1.041/1.50.78L LO
WCPSA Chile1-21-1 Brazil 6.2 3.45 1.58 0.82-11.00L DO
WCPSA Chile1-21-2 Bolivia 1.23 6.2 13 0.851.50.97L LO
WCPSA Argentina3-00-0 Chile 1.32 4.8 11.5 0.981/1.50.90L LO
AMEC Canada(N)0-00-0 Chile1 3 3.2 2.47 1.020/-0.50.80D LU
AMEC Chile(N)0-10-0 Argentina 7.6 4.05 1.48 1.05-0.5/-10.77L LU
AMEC Peru(N)0-00-0 Chile 4.1 3.1 2.05 0.97-0.50.85D LU
INT FRL Chile3-02-0 Paraguay 1.86 3.45 4.5 0.880.50.94W WO
INT FRL France3-22-1 Chile 1.31 5.2 7.8 0.951.50.87L WO
INT FRL Albania(N)0-30-1 Chile 3.45 3 2.21 0.980/-0.50.84W WO
WCPSA Ecuador1-01-0 Chile 1.66 3.6 5.8 0.970.5/10.85L LU
WCPSA 1Chile0-00-0 Paraguay1 1.8 3.3 5.2 0.900.50.98D LU
WCPSA Venezuela3-01-0 Chile1 2.65 2.99 2.95 0.770/-0.51.05L LO
WCPSA Chile2-00-0 Peru 1.67 3.55 5.9 0.920.50.90W WU
WCPSA Chile0-00-0 Colombia 3.5 3.05 2.28 0.9100.97D DU
WCPSA Uruguay3-12-0 Chile 1.64 3.8 5.6 0.820.51.00L LO
INT FRL Bolivia0-00-0 Chile 5.1 3.65 1.72 1.000/-0.50.82D LU
INT FRL Chile5-04-0 Dominican Republic 1.02 11 19 1.013/3.50.81W WO
INT FRL Chile3-02-0 Cuba 1.03 10.5 18 0.753/3.51.07W LO
INT FRL 1Chile3-21-2 Paraguay1 1.97 3.05 4.05 0.990.50.89W WO
Last 20 matches, Win rate:30.0% Odds win rate:33.3% Over 2.5 rate:60.0% Odd rate:60.0%

Handicap Odds Statistics

  Matches Win Draw Loss Rank Detail
Total 10 5 0 5 6 View
Home5 3 0 2 5View
Away5 2 0 3 7View
  Matches Win Draw Loss Rank Detail
Total 10 1 2 7 10 View
Home5 1 2 2 10View
Away5 0 0 5 10View

Fixture (3 Matches)

League/Cup Date Type VS Near
WCPSA A Argentina 4 Days
WCPSA H Bolivia 124 Days
WCPSA A Venezuela 129 Days
League/Cup Date Type VS Near
WCPSA H Venezuela 4 Days
WCPSA A Paraguay 124 Days
WCPSA H Ecuador 129 Days

Last Match Lineup

Peru Chile
Lineup 1  Pedro Gallese
15  Miguel Araujo Blanco
5  Carlos Augusto Zambrano Ochandarte
22  Alexander Martin Callens Asin
17  Luis Advincula Castrillon
16  Wilder Jose Cartagena Mendoza
13  Jesus Castillo
10  Sergio Fernando Pena Flores
6  Marcos Johan Lopez Lanfranco
11  Bryan Reyna
20  Edison Flores
Lineup 23  Brayan Cortes
14  Felipe Ignacio Loyola Olea
3  Guillermo Maripan
19  Benjamin Kuscevic
6  Thomas Ignacio Galdames Millan
18  Rodrigo Echeverria
13  Eric Pulgar
8  Dario Esteban Osorio
15  Diego Alfonso Valdes Contreras
10  Victor Alejandro Davila Zavala
11  Eduardo Jesus Vargas Rojas
Backup 2  Luis Alfonso Abram Ugarelli
12  Carlos Enrique Caceda Ollaguez
14  Horacio Martin Calcaterra
3  Aldo Sebastian Corzo
18  Joao Grimaldo
4  Jorge Murrugarra
7  Andy Jorman Polo Andrade
8  Piero Quispe
9  Luis Ramos
21  Diego Romero
19  Oliver Sonne
Backup 21  Luciano Javier Cabral
20  Lucas Cepeda
5  Paulo Diaz
9  Maximiliano Gabriel Guerrero Pena
4  Fabian Hormazabal
2  Marcelo Morales
16  Ulises Ortegoza
17  Cesar Ignacio Perez Maldonado
12  Reyes Vicente
7  Gonzalo Tapia
1  Lawrence Vigouroux
22  Matias Ezequiel Zaldivia

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