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Date: Team:
League Time Home HW D AW HWR DR AWR Return Away Score Compare
BHU TL Ugyen Academy 1.14 8.40 10.00 80.02%10.86%9.12%91.22% Thimphu FC 3-2 View(31)
1.109.6013.00 83.39%9.55%7.06%91.73%
IRN D1 Pars Jonoubi Jam 2.09 2.97 3.64 43.90%30.89%25.21%91.75% Shahr Raz FC 2-1 View(3)
IRN D1 Niroye Zamini 3.21 2.74 2.42 28.59%33.49%37.92%91.77% Ario Eslamshahr 0-1 View(34)
3.062.562.68 29.97%35.82%34.22%91.71%
GFA D2 Medina United FC 2.24 2.81 3.47 40.94%32.63%26.43%91.71% Elite United 1-1 View(34)
GFA D2 Serrekunda Utd 3.69 2.94 2.09 24.87%31.22%43.91%91.77% Gambia Ports Authority 1-2 View(23)
ENG SD1 East Grinstead Town 1.73 3.88 3.93 53.02%23.64%23.34%91.72% Hythe Town 2-1 View(30)
1.774.103.60 51.99%22.45%25.56%92.02%
ENG LCH Millwall 2.64 3.32 2.64 35.78%28.45%35.78%94.46% Bristol City 0-2 View(141)
2.722.883.03 35.18%33.23%31.59%95.69%
ENG L2 Newport County 2.85 3.08 2.30 31.60%29.24%39.16%90.06% Gillingham 3-1 View(122)
3.473.212.04 26.44%28.58%44.98%91.75%
ENG RL1 Tilbury 1.89 3.35 3.82 48.57%27.40%24.03%91.80% Heybridge Swifts 2-1 View(33)
2.063.603.06 44.54%25.48%29.98%91.75%
ENG RL1 Concord Rangers 2.44 3.47 2.55 37.59%26.43%35.97%91.72% Cambridge City 4-4 View(30)
ENG SD1 Yate Town 1.43 3.93 7.40 64.22%23.37%12.41%91.83% Willand Rovers 3-3 View(34)
1.404.007.90 65.48%22.92%11.60%91.67%
ENG UD1 Dunston UTS 2.67 3.64 2.27 34.37%25.21%40.42%91.77% Cleethorpes Town 3-2 View(30)
2.393.602.55 38.44%25.52%36.03%91.87%
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