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Date: Team:
League Time Home HW D AW HWR DR AWR Return Away Score Compare
MLS Houston Dynamo 2.40 3.74 2.69 39.46%25.32%35.21%94.70% Inter Miami CF 1-4 View(139)
2.393.442.89 39.65%27.55%32.79%94.76%
MEX D1 Monterrey 1.39 4.85 6.90 67.20%19.26%13.54%93.41% Santos Laguna 4-2 View(135)
1.226.2511.00 76.56%14.95%8.49%93.40%
KOR D2 Seongnam FC 2.45 3.06 2.82 37.46%29.99%32.55%91.78% Chungbuk Cheongju 1-1 View(120)
2.473.042.82 37.20%30.22%32.58%91.88%
AUS VPL South Melbourne 1.24 5.40 8.50 72.70%16.69%10.61%90.15% St Albans Saints 0-3 View(52)
1.593.984.35 56.66%22.63%20.71%90.09%
TUN D1 Jeunesse Sportive Omrane 2.61 2.85 2.66 34.52%31.61%33.87%90.10% Stade tunisien 1-1 View(49)
4.202.861.92 21.48%31.54%46.98%90.22%
IDN ISL PSS Sleman 2.12 3.30 2.98 42.48%27.29%30.22%90.06% Barito Putera 1-2 View(51)
2.033.453.05 44.37%26.11%29.53%90.07%
ISR W1 Maccabi Hadera (W) 4.05 4.00 1.63 22.24%22.51%55.25%90.07% Hapoel Jerusalem (W) 4-3 View(37)
4.904.051.52 18.40%22.27%59.33%90.16%
RUS D1 FK Sochi 1.36 4.55 8.70 68.72%20.54%10.74%93.46% Sokol 0-0 View(28)
1.314.859.90 71.30%19.26%9.44%93.40%
AZE D1 Standard Sumgayit 5.90 4.33 1.41 15.27%20.81%63.91%90.09% Qarabag 0-2 View(117)
11.305.751.18 7.97%15.67%76.36%90.06%
RUS D1 Rotor Volgograd 3.44 3.25 2.12 27.17%28.75%44.08%93.46% Ural Sverdlovsk Oblast 0-0 View(27)
3.303.262.17 28.30%28.65%43.04%93.39%
TFF 1. Lig Kocaelispor 1.70 3.55 4.55 53.98%25.85%20.17%91.77% Istanbulspor 1-1 View(123)
1.603.705.15 57.37%24.81%17.82%91.79%
ISR W1 Hapoel Beer Sheva (W) 8.70 5.70 1.22 10.35%15.80%73.84%90.04% Hapoel Petah Tikva (W) 0-1 View(39) 9.80%14.43%75.77%90.16%
POR D2 Pacos de Ferreira 1.83 3.64 4.05 51.16%25.72%23.12%93.62% Oliveirense 0-1 View(131)
1.713.824.50 54.72%24.49%20.79%93.57%
HOL D2 AZ Alkmaar (Youth) 2.73 3.74 2.29 34.22%24.98%40.80%93.42% SC Telstar 1-2 View(128)
2.183.702.93 42.86%25.25%31.89%93.43%
SPA D2 Mirandes 1.88 3.30 4.55 50.43%28.73%20.84%94.81% Tenerife 2-0 View(139)
1.863.145.05 51.00%30.21%18.79%94.86%
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