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League Time Home HW D AW HWR DR AWR Return Away Compare
AUS D1 Adelaide United 1.91 3.92 3.41 48.86%23.80%27.34%93.22% Western Sydney View(33)
1.774.063.81 52.57%22.95%24.48%93.22%
AUS D1 Perth Glory 4.13 4.04 1.71 22.57%23.06%54.37%93.11% FC Macarthur View(25)
4.324.061.68 21.61%22.99%55.40%93.26%
ENG PR Brighton Hove Albion 1.77 4.17 3.90 53.24%22.60%24.15%94.26% Brentford View(44)
1.744.124.14 54.34%22.88%22.78%94.37%
ENG PR Arsenal 1.15 7.99 16.86 82.52%11.86%5.62%94.70% Ipswich Town View(46)
1.148.2417.60 83.12%11.50%5.39%94.77%
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